
(Les vêtements)
Caroline Blais
No dialogue


The story of a young woman’s daily life and her relationship to clothing throughout the seasons. A touching ode to the microscopic beauty that surrounds us, where the clothing we wear becomes the protagonist of our memories and mementos.


  • Sommets du cinéma de l'animation de Montréal, Montreal, Canada, 2019.
  • FICFA - Festival du cinéma francophone en Acadie, Moncton, Canada, 2019.
  • RVQC - Rendez-vous Québec Cinéma, Canada, 2020.
  • Courts d'un soir, Canada, 2020.
  • Reel to Real, Canada, 2020.
  • Scene Youth Media of Saskatoon, Canada, 2020.
  • Sedicicorto Film Festival, Italy, 2020.
  • Hamilton Film Festival, Canada, 2020.
  • PequeFilmes. International Short Film festival for Kids of Galicia, Spain, 2021.

Available on:

Director: Caroline Blais

Script: Caroline Blais

Image: Marianne Ploska

Sound: Silvano Mercado Vilches

Editing: Caroline Blais, Marlene Poulin

Sound composition: Brigitte Archambault

Music: Silvano Mercado Vilches

Production: Caroline Blais; Carolyne Goyette


No dialogue


HD, 16:9, 5.1
DCP, Pro Res

Caroline Blais
Caroline Blais

Caroline Blais is a Canadian animated filmmaker and multidisciplinary artist. Since 2013, his five short films have been presented at more than forty international festivals and art centers, particularly in France, Sweden, Australia, Germany and the United States. Her exploratory work has an innate ability to unveil unusual facets of familiar objects and to clothe everyday phenomena with a benevolent candor. Her most recent film and her first animated narrative work, “Clothes” (2019), questions our sentimental and highly symbolic relationship to our everyday clothes.

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