Gabriel Savignac

In life, Gabriel makes movies, chews bubble gum and drinks lots of coffee. He graduated from Concordia University in Film Production and from the University of Quebec in Montreal in Communication. In his films, Gabriel highlights human vulnerability with disarming sensitivity. Some already see him as one of the influential directors of his generation. In 2015, he distinguished himself among the others at the Festival du Nouveau Cinéma (FNC) Rencontres Pan-Canadienne du Cinéma Étudiant, at the Festival International du Cinéma Francophone en Acadia (FICFA) and at the Rendez-vous du Cinéma Québécois with his short film Ma Lionne. He also won the jury prize at Cinémental (Winnipeg). His new movie Rest, I Don't Want to Be Alone is a testament to the unconscious importance we can have in the lives of people with intellectual disabilities. It presents the latter film in the official selection of the Toronto International Film Festival. At 26, he is a newcomer who is already playing in the big leagues.