Sarah Toussaint-Léveillé

Sarah Toussaint-Léveillé is a singer-songwriter, scriptwriter and director in her spare time, who has always been driven by the desire to make movies. After studying theater and cinema at the Cégep du Conservatoire Lassalle, she obtained a certificate in Creative Writing at UQAM, where she was able to take a television scriptwriting course. She has since completed several screenwriting and film courses, including one with the UDA and a film course in Prague in 2016. Since 2009, she has directed, produced, and scripted three short fiction films (including her most recent “The Significant Other”), scripted and produced her first animated video (La Mal Lunée), and produced her most recent video (L'Escargot). She directs and writes her promotional videos, which she calls “Hello Media.” For a while she also produced and edited the “Clips Boboches”, a video clip on spontaneous songs, edited in one day. She maintains a fairly close relationship between music and cinema. His films are, as often, like his songs, that is to say, a mixture between realism and surrealism, imaginary and often dreamlike.