Two premieres at TIFF 2024

The short films Julian and the Wind (Connor Jessup) and Out for Ice Cream (Rachel Samson) will have their world premiere at TIFF!

BREAKING NEWS! It is with great honor that we announce two world premieres at TIFF - Toronto International Film Festival 2024!

- JULIAN AND THE WIND by Connor Jessup (producer: Ashley Shields-Muir for Big & Quiet Pictures)

Short Cuts 01 →

- OUT FOR ICE CREAM by Rachel Samson (producers: Félix Dufour-Laperrière and Raquel Sancinetti For Ambush Films)

Short Cuts 04 →

Stay tuned for more details to come on these new films in our catalog!

The festival will take place from September 5 to 15, 2024

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