Inspired by Godard's Sympathy for the Devil, two worlds slowly contaminate themselves sonically to transpire the axianty of a lone woman in her appartement. The music in her head will amplify her fears through sight and sound.
Director: Daniel Karolewicz
Script: Daniel Karolewicz
Cast: Sylvianne Rivest-Beausejour, Lydia Champagne, Candied Turnip, Marlene and Pretentious Asshole
DOP: Laurence Turcotte-Fraser and Miryam Charles
Sound recording: Pascal Plante and Dominique Plante
Sound design: Gillet Maillet
Editing: Daniel Karolewicz
Art direction: Josianne Poirier
Original music: Candied turnip
Production: Chasseurs Films
Producers: Laurent Allaire and Daniel Karolewicz
No dialogue
DCP, 1:85, 2K, sound 2.0