Cry of a Loon

Léa Marinova
Cry of a Loon


While Karram, a carpenter in his forties, hires Lyla, a goalless hitchhiker, to work on his cottage, a subtle game of power unfolds. CRY OF THE LOON dances on the line between fiction and documentary, borrowing from the codes of the thriller to remind us our sometimes unhealthy fascination for the stranger.                                                                                                                                                          


  • Cinema on the Bayou, USA, 2020
  • RVQC - Rendez-vous Québec Cinéma, Canada, 2020
Cry of a Loon

Available on:

Director: Lea Marinova

Script: Jonathan Beaulieu-Cyr

Cast: K.H., Léa Marina Lanoue-Timm

DOP: Casper Wolski

Sound: Ilya Pauly

Editing: Lea Marinova, Paul Chotel

Music: Reversing Falls, Tessa Dawn K.

Artistic direction: Jade Fraser

Production: Virginie Nolin (Hutte Films)


Original: English


HD, 1:85, 5.1
DCP, Pro Res

Léa Marinova
Léa Marinova

Léa Marinova received a bachelor's degree in fine arts from the Mel Hoppenheim film school and a bachelor's degree in anthropology from Concordia University in Montreal in 2015. Her short films JEANNE (fiction, 2012) and INDIGO (documentary, 2013) have been screened at international festivals. Léa creates a hybrid cinema that blends fiction with personal documentary. CRY OF A LOON, produced by Hutte Films, is scheduled for release in 2019.

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