SLEEP TALKING is an absurdist comedy-drama that explores where our minds go when we can't fall asleep. It follows DAVID, a tired 20-something experiencing a sleepless night. He meanders into an office space—the metaphorical representation of his mind—and spends the night on menial tasks to uncover why he is unable to sleep.
Festival du nouveau cinema, Canada, 2024
Director: Ethan Godel
Script: Ethan Godel, Filip Lee
DOP: Shady Hana
Sound: Alex Gluch
Editing: Ethan Godel
Art director: Somerville Black
Production: Ryan Bobkin
Original: English
Subtitles: English, French
16mm/1:66:1 / stereo or 5.1
ProRes, DCP
Ethan Godel is at Toronto-based writer/director with a penchant for the absurd. In his work, he aspires to examine and scrutinize social conventions, creating pieces that reflect contemporary society the way a fun-house mirror would, exaggerating certain aspects of our world in ways that help draw attention to them. By way of creating hyperbolic, alternate versions of our own world, he hopes to encourage people to reflect on the often strange ways we operate. Ethan wants audiences to laugh at the absurdity of the scenarios he creates but reflect on the underlying truth