Waiting for April

(En attendant avril)
Olivier Godin
Waiting for April


Waiting for April is a romantic, epic cop comedy freely inspired by songs and medieval fables collected by storyteller Michel Faubert. Detective Haffigan investigates a mysterious singing bone, a talisman endowed with dangerous powers, and chased after by a coterie of second-rate outlaws. The bone turns out to be in possession of Mithridate, a seductive actor with a gorilla’s right arm. Haffigan expresses romantic interest in the charming comedian, but he rebuffs her, instead setting his sights on Eleonore, a cashier at the Bank of Permanent Fog, who promises to liberate him from the bone’s curse.En attendant avril est une comédie policière, épique et romantique librement inspirée de chansons et de fables médiévales recueillies par le conteur Michel Faubert. La détective Haffigan enquête sur un os chantant, mystérieux grigri doté de pouvoirs délétères, et convoité par une panoplie de mécréants de bas étage. L’os s’avère être en la possession de Mithridate, séduisant acteur affublé d’un bras de gorille. Haffigan tombe sous le charme, mais Mithridate préfère initier une liaison duplice avec une employée de la Banque du Brouillard Permanent qui promet de le libérer de la malédiction de l’os.


  • Critic's Week Berlin (Semaine de la critique Berlin), Germany, 2018
  • VIFF - Vancouver International Film Festival, Canada, 2018.
  • FNC - Festival du nouveau cinéma, Montreal, Canada, 2018.
  • RVQC - Rendez-vous Québec Cinéma, Montreal, Canada, 2019.
  • Les Percéides, Percé, Canada, 2019.
Waiting for April

Available on:

Director: Olivier Godin

Script: Olivier Godin

Cast: Michel Faubert, Johanna Nutter, Etienne Pilon, Tatiana Zinga Botao, Francois-Simon Poirier, Eve Duranceau, Rose-Maïté Erkoreka, Luc Proulx, Daniel Canty, Aurélie Brochu-Deschenes, Florence Blain Mbaye, Leslie Mavangui and Philippe Battikha

DOP: Renaud Despres-Larose

Sound: Ana Tapia Rousiouk

Editing: Theodore Goodwin

Music: Michel Faubert, Philippe Battikha

Production: Olivier Godin, Renaud Despres-Larose, Ana Tapia Rousiouk


Original: French
Subtitles: English


1:85, Stereo
DCP, Blu Ray, Pro Res

Olivier Godin
Olivier Godin

Olivier Godin studied cinema at Ahuntsic College, then at Concordia University. His short films La Boutique de Forge (2012) and Bengal Fire (2014) each won the award for best Canadian short film at the Festival du Nouveau Cinéma. In 2013, she received the CALQ Prize for Full Love, elected best work of art and experimentation. In 2014, a first retrospective of his work was presented at the Cinémathèque Québécoise, the same year that Nouvelles, Nouvelles, his highly acclaimed second feature film, was released. He is also the author of the feature films Les arts de la parole (2016), Waiting for April (2018) and There is no false profession (2020). Ireland Blue Notebook is his sixth feature film.

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